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By 2020, the entire human population is expected to be online. User experience, or UX, is about designing experiences for technology users. As any marketing expert will tell you, the product itself no longer matters; it has to be seen as part of an overall experience.
In order to succeed, service providers are now including the user experience philosophy into their business models. At LeanScout, we are committed to understanding and fulfilling the customer journey from the initial contact through the process of engagement and into a long-term relationship.
However, we want to take UX a step further. Our goal is to deliver the same great user experience to our employees. Creating a simple, effective and enjoyable working experience for our team members is as important to us as creating it for our customers.
We want to take UX a step further. Our goal is to deliver the same great user experience to our employees.
1. Knowing your coworkers
The first requirement for an exemplary worker experience is to have a good idea of who your team is. LeanScout is made up of more than 200 people from more than 20 countries; we understand and appreciate our diversity.
2. Understanding team member needs
Our team’s diversity implies different motivations. Having a clear perspective on how, when and why each member joined helps us track where they are coming from, and what they need.
Having a clear perspective on how, when and why each member joined helps us track where they are coming from, and what they need.
3. Accepting different paths
What do they wish to achieve and what are their expectations within the organization? We want to provide work that allows team members to work toward their own goals too.
4. Loving the day-to-day
Making the interaction with the platform-office flawless and smooth is vital. We don’t want team members to experience any kind of technical obstacle, work hard to maintain a user-friendly online working environment. Our design and engineer teams work towards that goal as if our employees were customers.
5. Ensuring alignment
We are curating a value-based, purpose-driven culture that motivates people to work together for a greater good: changing the global labor market.
6. Sharing is caring
LeanScout is a pretty flat organization and we want to remain like that. Instead of one-way announcements, sharing perspectives should be as easy as a Slack Direct Message.
Sharing perspectives should be as easy as a Slack Direct Message.
7. Saying goodbye is not a crime
Life changes and so do our circumstances. People will move on and start other projects or will no longer fit with this one; new generations are not looking for a lifetime job.
As organizations grow, they feel the need to implement systems and internal protocols that make things more complex. Yet, complexity is not always associated quality.
Bureaucracy makes work be less playful. If you were dealing with customers, would you start adding requirements and intricacies? Research shows that engagement can be achieved with simple user experience basics: make things easy, efficient, and rewarding.
Technology has changed the way we shop, the way we hang out, the way we communicate, the way we interact, the way we flirt, the way we learn, the way we travel — and on through an endless list. Now it has changed the way we understand work, too.